I'm a front-end developer and designer based in PA.

  • two screenshots, one showcasing a grid of country flags and the other showing details and statistics for one country
    • react
    • typescript
    • rest api
    • front-end

    Where in the World?

    A project which implements the REST Countries API and dynamic routing using React and TSX. Original Figma design from Frontend Mentor.

  • a green landing page with purple text
    • cms
    • eleventy
    • front-end
    • figma

    Eric Trimbur

    Eric's personal website hosts his project writeups and blogs. I used Eleventy as the static site generator, Decap CMS for git content management, and Netlify for hosting.

  • a grid-styled landing page for a interior decor website
    • front-end


    My implementation of a Figma design from Frontend Mentor using a responsive grid layout. I used HTML, CSS, and vanilla JS.

  • a landing page split in two halves, one light theme and one dark theme
    • eleventy
    • front-end
    • figma

    Personal Website V1

    My first project utilizing Eleventy. I opted for a more professional design in V2, but I learned a lot about Figma, SASS, and Netlify deployment while making V1.


Max (he/him) is a developer, designer, and artist who's creating websites to bridge the gap between his technical background and his artistic ambition. He loves structuring information, pairing fonts together, and twiddling with CSS for hours.

He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.S. Computer Science and has been working freelance ever since.

Want to chat? Ask him about his favorite films, games, or anime!

a digital oil painting of a blonde man with glasses

Self Portrait, Max Niederer, 2024


Feel free to contact me for any reason. You can email me directly or you can fill out this form (which will also send me an email).